Since its establishment within The Salvation Army Prairie Division in 1986, Community Venture has evolved, grown, and empowered countless individuals with disabilities to discover their goals and dreams. Based in faith and executed with love and respect for the individuals we serve, Community Venture offers a comprehensive range of residential, day program and outreach opportunities. Spiritual Care Services are available to obtain resources and to assist individuals along their path in life.


COMMUNITY VENTURE believes that a person with special needs has unique requirements with regard to individualized services. We offer programs where people can build on current life skills in an environment that fosters a positive self-image inclusive to their unique needs.



COMMUNITY VENTURE believes life skills to include a wide range of knowledge and skill interactions essential for daily living. Focus is in four areas of life skills development:Personal Development, Health/Physical Education, Volunteer Vocational Experience and Creative Arts.



COMMUNITY VENTURE believes in the valued contribution community plays in the role of life skill development. With “Transition” as our guide and “Inclusion” as our goal, our community welcomes us as valued citizens